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Safex Autosafe Automatic Fire Extinguisher

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Safex presents modular type ABC clean agent gas and ABC Dry Chemical Powder along with a range of gaseous automatic fire extinguishers.

SAFEX automatic ABC Dry Chemical Powder or clean agent gas & other gaseous fire extinguishers are a technological break through that provides automatic fire protection for electrical, electronic, flammable liquid and a variety of other risks.

Auto Safe is an automatic extinguisher , which does not require any external source of powder to operate. It can be utilized for local applications or total flooding of hazards.

The modular type extinguisher is based on sprinkler technology. Unlike the sprinkler, the nozzle is gas-tight. The release temperature can be adjusted to suit prevailing conditions.

This extinguishers are most ideal for protection of computer area, ATM Center, server room, fuel and flammable liquid storage, oil fill-in stations, transformers, automobile garages, marine engines, paint and varnish booths, welding benches, domestic gas Storage’s particularly for hotels etc, and where water damage cannot be tolerated

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Alarm Valve, C. O2 Fire Extinguisher, Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers, Delivery Hose Coupling, Deluge Valve, Deluge Valves, E. N 3. 7 Approved Fire Extinguishers, F. M Approved Flexible Droppers, Fire Fighting Machinery, Fire Hose Reel, Flexible Droppers, Gate Valve, Grooved Type Butterfly Value U. L U. L. C Listed Fm Approved, Home, Hose Box, Hose Reel Components, Hose Reel Fire Fighting System, Hydrant Accessories, Non Rising Stem Groove Joint Ends Resilient Wedge Gate Valves, Nozzles And Branch Pipe, Powder Fire Extinguisher, Safex Autosafe Automatic Fire Extinguisher, Specialized Fire Extinguisher, Stem Flanged Joint Ends Resilient Wedge Gate Valaves, Trolley Mounted Fire Extinguishers, Twin 5050, U. L Approved Flexible Droppers, U. L Approved Spinkler, Ul Approved High Performance Fire Extinguisher, Ul Approved Spinklers, Wafer Type Butterfly Value U. L U. L. C Listed F. M Approved, Water And Foam Extinguishers